How To Book Consistent VIP Design Day Clients Without Consultation Calls

We have unlocked the secret to booking four $3800 VIP Design Days per month without ever having to do a consultation call.

Want to know how we do it? Here's our secret recipe!

A Services Sales Page That Does The Heavy Lifting

Requiring a client to get on a call before booking creates a barrier to securing your service. That's why we have a dedicated sales page that answers all the inquiries a potential client might have.

Our clients fill out a form on the page, and if there are additional questions, we address them via Instagram DM's or email.

The majority of the inquiries are answered on the sales page, making the booking and payment process as easy as sending two emails after the initial inquiry. This smooth process eliminates the need for a consultation call.

A Dialed In VIP Design Day Process

Our VIP day booking and off-boarding process is fully automated, ensuring seamless communication with our clients.

We use a client management software called Honeybook, where clients can view the services, contract, and pay the invoice, all in one place.💰 Get HoneyBook for 50% off for one year with my referral link

This service has been offered for three years, and we have refined a process that is beneficial for us and our clients. A great process and strict boundaries are key to a successful VIP Design Day.

Amazing Testimonials and Credibility

Offering a VIP Design Day service opens a window of opportunity to collect testimonials from clients. If you are working with four VIP clients a month, that's four chances to get rave reviews about your service.

You can also use your client's responses to your work as testimonials, a great way to showcase your credibility.

Most clients might be confused about getting it all done in a day - showing examples, testimonials, and past projects is an excellent way to build trust and credibility to book consistent VIP days.

Referrals, Referrals, Referrals!

Our seamless process, quick turnaround, and star service have made our clients HAPPY customers.

We have a wealth of testimonials on our website, Google, and Instagram. Referrals are our #1 way to book clients.

We add our link to the bottom of every website and sales page we create, making it easy for potential clients to find us. We also offer referral bonuses to our clients and discounts to repeat customers as a token of appreciation for their loyalty.

Lexi Cheng

Hi I'm Lexi! I’m a creative director + web designer at Dynamo Ultima. I am a sales page design enthusiast, extreme sport lover & huge astrology fanatic.

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Why VIP Design Days Made Our Design Business More Successful